Save Havelock House
Millbridge House
Olympian's second attempt at demolishing Havelock House
In May 2022, Olympian Homes announced its Millbridge House development for the Havelock House site.
The developer has provided very little information about this plan, even though it is now subject to a public consultation. All images available are of an extremely low resolution.
The available information indicates that it is a rehash of Olympian's original plans with some minor tweaks, including a slight reduction in height.
Despite the consultation, we are not convinced that Olympian are seriously committed to engaging with local stakeholders.
The consultation material is seriously misleading and seeks to disguise the demolition of Havelock House by avoiding all reference to the building and its history apart from the address.
Olympian has also stated that the development's massing is under review. But we have already been informed that the massing will be similar to the original proposal.
The developer has also threatened to demolish Havelock House without first securing permission for a new proposal.
Again, we are concerned about the role of Belfast City Council planning officials in the preparation of this proposal, which has been shaped by private meetings between officials and the developer.
Have Your Say
Olympian is currently consulting on its Millbridge House proposals.
The deadline is July 15th at 5pm.
Click here to access their consultation website.